Dedicated server package details:

Core2Duo E7500 2.93 Ghz

Operating system pre-installed on the server.
CPU brand and type of the server.
Core2Duo E7500 2.93Ghz
Disk space:
Amount of storage space available on the server.
Available RAM size on the server.
Internet bandwidth transfer limit.
Physical location of the data center.
Montreal, Canada
One-time setup fee the hosting provider charges.
Whether the hosting provider can manage the server for you.
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Gogax was founded in February, 1999. We are a leading dedicated hosting provider offering services to over 50 countries worldwide. We offer you reliable and scalable Internet hosting infrastructure solutions. From personal to complex corporate needs, Gogax has the solution for you. We provide on-demand data center and hosting services to companies around the globe. We specialize in dedicated hosting solutions. We strive to provide you with the best fit solution for your hosting requirements. Gogax operates its office and data center out of Montreal, Canada. With gogax, you can be sure you are in good hands.
Company Info:
Company title:
The public name of the company.
Gogax - Free Web Hosting & Professional Hosting Services - Dedicated Servers - Virtual Dedicated Servers
Company description:
A short description of this company.
Offers reliable dedicated servers for business or personal uses. Provides details of service offerings and pricing options.
Supported product types:
Hosting package types supported by this provider.
Dedicated server, Web hosting
Payment options:
Available payment options supported by this provider.
Credit card, PayPal
Site Info:
Alexa traffic rank:
A measure of the site's popularity. The rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors and pageviews over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1.
Alexa traffic rank in US:
A measure of the site's popularity in US. The rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors and pageviews from users from US over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1 in US.
Unique monthly visitors:
The Unique Visitors metric only counts a person once no matter how many times they visit a site in a given month. Unique Visitors are typically used to determine how popular a site is.
1,351 ( Ranked 74 at HostMonk
Sites linking in:
Average load time:
Median website load time and percent of known sites that are slower.
1.28 Seconds, 43% of the sites are faster Ranked 20 at HostMonk
Site categories:
Up to 3 DMOZ (Open Directory) categories for the specified site.
Computers and Internet/Internet
Contact Info:
Twitter profile:
Name and description of the official Twitter profile of this company.
GOGAX (850 followers)
"Dedicated Server Hosting"
Ranked 47 at HostMonk
Support options:
Available support options this company providers.
Terms of service:
Link to the "Terms of service" page published by this hosting provider.
User Reviews:
There are no user reviews for Gogax.
Blog posts
Recent posts from Gogax blog:
Smart Hosting 40% Off! Only $2.32/Month, Free Dedicated IP Address, ALL FEATURES INCLUDED
Dec 20, 2011
Starting TODAY, Gogax is Offering 40 % DISCOUNT on it Smart Hosting Plan for the Holiday Season! ... continue reading
Gogax Launches SMART Web Hosting
Sep 07, 2011
We are thrilled to announce to launch of our latest internet hosting product. SMART Web Hosting. Smart Hosting offers the traditional services Web Hosting offers with the addition of a ... continue reading
CentOS 6.0 Now Available on Dedicated Servers
Jul 15, 2011
Gogax is proud to announce that Centos 6.0 is now available for new installations and OS reloads. There are some important changes to this release compared with the previous versions of CentOS and we ... continue reading
Xeon Blowout Sale! E5405 Quad Core Starting at $129/Month – JULY SPECIAL
Jul 12, 2011
Gogax is proud to offer never seen promotions on dedicated servers. Great discounts on a big selection of dedicated servers. Prices starting at only $59/month for high-end dedicated servers. Servers come with 10 ... continue reading
Quad Core Server Sale! Q83000 Starting at $79/Month – JUNE SPECIAL
Jun 07, 2011
Gogax is proud to offer never seen promotions on dedicated servers. Great discounts on a big selection of dedicated servers. Prices starting at only $59/month for high-end dedicated servers. Servers come with 10 ... continue reading
Gogax Appoints New Director of Operations
May 15, 2011
Montreal, Quebec – May 17th, 2011 - Gogax, a Canadian IT Infrastructure provider has announced the appointment of Simon Choucroun as Director of Operations. Mr. Choucroun brings to Gogax more than 10 years of experience ... continue reading
Dedicated Servers Year End Super Sale
Dec 03, 2010
Gogax is proud to offer never seen promotions on dedicated servers. We are launching a Year End Super Sale on all our dedicated server packages. Great discounts on a big ... continue reading
New Quad Core Xeon Servers
Nov 01, 2010
We are proud to announce our latest Intel Xeon Quad Core server offerings. With the increasing demand for power and reliability on servers, dedicated servers need more juice than ever before. We have ... continue reading
Core2Quad Server HUGE Special. Only $129/month
Oct 14, 2010
Have you ever wanted this crazy deal on a dedicated server? Now it's the time with Gogax HUGE discount on a Core2Quad dedicated server. These powerful servers offer ... continue reading
Increased Speed and Bandwidth
Oct 08, 2010
With today's increasing demand for speedy network connection, your dedicated server needs a good, reliable and fast connection around the globe. Gogax is proud to announce all of its servers now come ... continue reading
Free Month on any Cheap Dedicated Server
Sep 07, 2010
Summer is over, it's time to get back to work. Gogax is kicking off with great deals on all Cheap Dedicated Servers . We offer you a wide range ... continue reading
Canada Dedicated Server
Apr 22, 2010
Are you looking for the perfect dedicated server in Canada? Gogax has the solution for you. Gogax, a Montreal based dedicated server provider, operates its datacenter out of Montreal, Canada. We offer ... continue reading
Why You Need a Dedicated Server
Mar 23, 2010
Most websites start out with shared hosting. In the beginning, that’s really all you need. However, a dedicated server becomes necessary when you gain enough popularity and start receiving huge ... continue reading
Cheap Dedicated Servers
Mar 05, 2010
Gogax is proud to offer cheap dedicated servers bundled with great server hardware and top notch support to our customers. Our promotion servers offers are pre-built and pre-installed dedicated ... continue reading
Core2Duo & Core2Quad now Available
Feb 24, 2010
Gogax is proud to announce it has added 4 new server packages to its dedicated servers offerings. Intel Core 2 Duo & Core 2 Quad processors are ideal for ... continue reading
Are you ready for the 2010 Winter Olympics ?
Feb 12, 2010
The excitement is building up as the 2010 Winter Olympics are just around the Corner. The 2010 Winter Olympics, officially the XXI Olympic Winter Games, will be a major international event held ... continue reading
Information sources: Alexa Jigsaw