Dedicated server package details:

Intel Xeon E5410

Operating system pre-installed on the server.
CPU brand and type of the server.
Intel Xeon E5410
Disk space:
Amount of storage space available on the server.
Available RAM size on the server.
Internet bandwidth transfer limit.
Physical location of the data center.
Illinois, USA
One-time setup fee the hosting provider charges.
Whether the hosting provider can manage the server for you.
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Company Info:
Company title:
The public name of the company.
Company description:
A short description of this company.
GigeNET provides colocation, cloud and managed services in Arlington Heights, Illinois
Company ownership type.
Privately Held
Estimated annual revenue of this company.
$100 - 250M ($150,000,000 estimated) Ranked 3 at HostMonk
Estimated number of employees of this company.
250 - 1000 (500 estimated) Ranked 4 at HostMonk
Owned domains:
List of other domain names that are owned by the same owner as this site.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Number of public contacts listed at
3 contacts at Jigsaw
Jigsaw company details:
Description of this company available at
Excerpted from the website description: Communications provider of dedicated servers, ddos/denial of service protection, server co-location, and web hosting in Chicago, IL.

Site Info:
Online since:
The date the domain of this site was first registered.
Alexa traffic rank:
A measure of the site's popularity. The rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors and pageviews over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1.
Alexa traffic rank in US:
A measure of the site's popularity in US. The rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors and pageviews from users from US over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1 in US.
Unique monthly visitors:
The Unique Visitors metric only counts a person once no matter how many times they visit a site in a given month. Unique Visitors are typically used to determine how popular a site is.
12,744 ( Ranked 37 at HostMonk
Sites linking in:
Average load time:
Median website load time and percent of known sites that are slower.
0.868 Seconds, 23% of the sites are faster Ranked 7 at HostMonk
Site categories:
Up to 3 DMOZ (Open Directory) categories for the specified site.
Colocation/North America
Contact Info:
Twitter profile:
Name and description of the official Twitter profile of this company.
gigenet (2035 followers)
"Find out why thousands of small and medium businesses call GigeNET home."
Ranked 29 at HostMonk
Physical address of this company.
700 Commerce Dr 5th Flr, Oak Brook, IL 60523, US
700 Commerce Dr 5th Flr, Oak Brook, IL 60523, US
Official phone number of this company.
+1 800 561 2656
Official fax number of this company.
+1 630 214 8477
Official email:
Official email address of this company.
Terms of service:
Link to the "Terms of service" page published by this hosting provider.
User Reviews:
1 user review for Gigenet:
Very reliable and stable
by Ben Schreiber - Sep 25, 2010
I have a managed dedicated server hosted at Gigenet for more than 3 years. I am very happy with the quality of the service provided by Gigenet.
The server runs a production web system. I hardly remember any downtimes or network problems during the years.
Gigenet's support was very responsive and efficient.
I recommend them as a dedicated hosting provider.
However, their prices are quite high. And when using a 3 year old server, I would expect the monthly charge to be reduced and not remain the same as a the price of a new server.
Blog posts
Recent posts from Gigenet blog:
Linux Encryption & Backup Tools
Jan 24, 2017
If the data you store on your server or other service is important to you, likely you’d prefer it not ending up in the hands of others. If so you should use the power of cryptography. There are many options to choose from whether you’re running Windows, Linux or BSD but we’ll be focusing on … Continue reading "Linux Encryption & Backup Tools" The post Linux Encryption & Backup Tools appeared first on GigeNET.
Mitigating the Effects of Data Loss : Raid Vs Backups
Nov 18, 2016
What is the value of a server? In this world of virtual machines and dedicated servers, our customers are becoming more and more removed from the physical components that comprise a server. Everything is easily replaceable — everything except the data contained within the servers. Countless work hours have gone into making each server unique, … Continue reading "Mitigating the Effects of Data Loss : Raid Vs Backups" The post Mitigating the Effects of Data Loss : Raid Vs Backups appeared first on GigeNET.
Choosing a provider for your Native or Cloud App
Oct 04, 2016
With so many hosting companies available to the consumer, how does one choose? Before you can do that, you have to know your application, in the case of mobile apps, knowing your app and its backend functionality is critical. Let’s discuss the three types for a moment. Native or Encapsulated apps are apps in which … Continue reading "Choosing a provider for your Native or Cloud App" The post Choosing a provider for your Native or Cloud App appeared first on GigeNET.
Why you should upgrade to EasyApache4
Oct 04, 2016
I’d like to talk about some of the great new features coming to your WHM/cPanel servers. One great feature in particular is EasyApache4. EasyApache is a piece of software available on your WHM/cPanel server that allows you to rebuild your Apache/PHP environment with different versions and modules of Apache and PHP. EasyApache4 is the updated … Continue reading "Why you should upgrade to EasyApache4" The post Why you should upgrade to EasyApache4 appeared first on GigeNET.
Most Important Programming Languages for Web Development
Oct 03, 2016
When it comes to websites and your online presence, there is an abundance of styles, ideas, and languages you can use. Some languages are more important, versatile, and common than others. These languages will make sure your website looks and works correctly in all browsers and operating systems, which will save you time and frustration. … Continue reading "Most Important Programming Languages for Web Development" The post Most Important Programming Languages for Web Development appeared first on GigeNET.
Common Social Marketing Mistakes Made By Tech Startups
Jun 15, 2016
Social media mistakes happen. From accidental tweets to posting irrelevant information, these are all avoidable. I am going to go over some common mistakes you can make when you first market a startup on social media. Some of you are currently working in a startup, some of you are working at an agency where you … Continue reading "Common Social Marketing Mistakes Made By Tech Startups" The post Common Social Marketing Mistakes Made By Tech Startups appeared first on GigeNET.
Cloud Vs Dedicated: Which is better hosting for a startup?
Jun 07, 2016
Cloud Vs Dedicated: Which is better hosting for a startup? Most of the time when hosting providers refers to Cloud hosting, they tend to leave out the fact that Cloud is primarily built on hardware-based dedicated server(s) infrastructure. The strength and resiliency of your cloud infrastructure depends on its underlying core hardware and the network … Continue reading "Cloud Vs Dedicated: Which is better hosting for a startup?" The post Cloud Vs Dedicated: Which is better hosting for a startup? appeared first on GigeNET.
Linux Hosting vs. Windows Hosting
May 25, 2016
Choosing an operating system for your server may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be a difficult decision. Whether you are just getting started with your first website or looking to get set up on a more powerful server at GigeNET, these simple guidelines can help you make your decision. Budget … Continue reading "Linux Hosting vs. Windows Hosting" The post Linux Hosting vs. Windows Hosting appeared first on GigeNET.
Four Social Media Marketing Platforms For Your Hosting Company
Apr 18, 2016
Welcome to the wonderful world of social media marketing where you can get rich off shares, likes, pins, retweets, plus one’s, and more. Today I am going share four rewarding social media platforms for your hosting company. You have the power to share whatever you want with your audience but in the words of Han … Continue reading "Four Social Media Marketing Platforms For Your Hosting Company" The post Four Social Media Marketing Platforms For Your Hosting Company appeared first on GigeNET.
Winterizing the Datacenter, But Keep the Heat Off
Feb 04, 2015
With winter in full blast in Chicago and across much of the United States, it is important to make adjustments to GigeNET’s datacenter’s mechanical systems to make sure we can handle it. To ensure the most optimal datacenter conditions year-round, quarterly inspections and spot checks are performed to the environment for our client’s mission-critical equipment, … Continue reading "Winterizing the Datacenter, But Keep the Heat Off" The post Winterizing the Datacenter, But Keep the Heat Off appeared first on GigeNET.
7 Sneak Attacks Used by Today’s Most Devious Hackers
Nov 08, 2013
? Most malware is mundane, but these innovative techniques are exploiting systems and networks of even the savviest users. ? By: Roger A. Grimes ? Millions of pieces of malware and thousands of malicious hacker gangs roam today’s online world preying on easy dupes. Reusing the same tactics that have worked for years, if not […]The post 7 Sneak Attacks Used by Today’s Most Devious Hackers appeared first on GigeNET.
GigeNET Announces New Channel Partner Program!
Nov 01, 2013
GigeNET’s channel partner referral program offers generous rewards for the length of the client’s contract and a streamlined process. GigeNET, a leading full service hosting and DDoS protection provider headquartered just outside Chicago, IL announced a new Channel Partner referral program today. This turnkey solution is designed to reward partners with a generous commission for […]The post GigeNET Announces New Channel Partner Program! appeared first on GigeNET.
High-tech blunders: isn’t alone
Oct 28, 2013
? Hidden by the coverage of the government shutdown, the Affordable Care act was due to begin accepting applicants, but ran into massive technological failures, preventing most from signing up. They are only the most recent in a long line of high tech, big budget failures over the last few years. ? By: Jon Swartz, […]The post High-tech blunders: isn’t alone appeared first on GigeNET.
Anonymous Hackers Hit With Indictments
Oct 24, 2013
? The loosely organized hacker group Anonymous began Operation Payback in 2011 intent on striking back against several large scale companies. A recent indictment against 13 members of the group, but will it have the effect that the government was looking to achieve? ? By: Robert McGarvey ? The U.S. government has unsealed an indictment […]The post Anonymous Hackers Hit With Indictments appeared first on GigeNET.
Cloud Computing Continues to Mature
Oct 23, 2013
? Cloud computing offers services and abilities that traditional computing could never offer. As more and more companies expand beyond traditional computing, they are seeing new avenues to completing their goals. ? By: Mike Freeman ? Life Technologies sells desktop software for analyzing DNA, mostly to research labs. But the Carlsbad company realized that personal […]The post Cloud Computing Continues to Mature appeared first on GigeNET.
The Real Lesson in David Pogue’s Time-saving Tech Tips
Oct 22, 2013
? With the influx of new technologies hitting the market, knowing the ins and outs of every device that you own is becoming increasingly difficult. David Pogue explains in a recent TED Talk how to best approach learning new technologies and staying current. ? By Nick Cowling ? I remember the moment I discovered that […]The post The Real Lesson in David Pogue’s Time-saving Tech Tips appeared first on GigeNET.
Finally, the Underwater Wireless Modem We’ve All Been Waiting For
Oct 22, 2013
? Scholars are testing a new technology to spread the internet over the last unconquered frontier, underwater. Using high pitched chirps, the stations can relay a signal back and forth, albeit at speeds that rival 1980?s internet technology. ? By: Robert McMillan ? You can use the internet in Antarctica. You can tweet from the […]The post Finally, the Underwater Wireless Modem We’ve All Been Waiting For appeared first on GigeNET.
Cloud Computing Survey: What IT Professionals Want
Oct 18, 2013
? The cloud is quickly becoming more widely accepted solution for small to medium sizes businesses. The past issues associated with the cloud, including cost, reliability and uptime have all been eliminated. ? By: Marissa Tejada ? Migrating to the cloud is an exciting transition, but IT professionals must be prepared. There is a lot […]The post Cloud Computing Survey: What IT Professionals Want appeared first on GigeNET.
How Government IT Uses Virtualization to Lock Down Clouds
Oct 18, 2013
? The government has begun using more and more sophisticated technological means to protect the data that they store in the cloud. By studying their methods, we can adapt some of these security measures for our own needs. ? By: Bill Kleyman ? At the core of the cloud and modern IT platforms sits the […]The post How Government IT Uses Virtualization to Lock Down Clouds appeared first on GigeNET.
Hackers use botnet to scrape Google for vulnerable sites
Oct 16, 2013
Hackers are using a botnet to scour Google for websites that use vulnerable installations of the vBulletin forum software. Exploitation of common systems has become a growing headache for technology companies all over the globe. Some 35,000 sites that use vBulletin, a popular website forum package, were hacked recently by taking advantage of the presence […]The post Hackers use botnet to scrape Google for vulnerable sites appeared first on GigeNET.
Information sources: Alexa Jigsaw