Blue Host
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Blue Host

Bluehost has been providing quality web hosting solutions to businesses and individuals since 1996. Bluehost facilities include our 50,000 square foot headquarters with two secondary data centers locations totaling over 20,000 square feet of data center space. We provide UPS power, diesel generators, and multiple 10 gigabit fiber connections to locations all over the world.
Company Info:
Company title:
The public name of the company.
Company description:
A short description of this company. provides world class hosting for only $6.95/month. We are currently one of the fastest growing hosting companies in the world. We offer features such as 1500 gigs of space, 15000 gigs of transfer, Perl, PHP, MySQL, SSH, FREE Site builder and more. Check us out now at
Company ownership type.
Privately Held
Estimated annual revenue of this company.
$10 - 50M ($30,000,000 estimated) Ranked 22 at HostMonk
Estimated number of employees of this company.
100 - 250 (200 estimated) Ranked 22 at HostMonk
Owned domains:
List of other domain names that are owned by the same owner as this site.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Supported product types:
Hosting package types supported by this provider.
Web hosting
Number of public contacts listed at
21 contacts at Jigsaw
Jigsaw company details:
Description of this company available at

  Bluehost has been providing quality web hosting solutions to businesses and individuals since 1996. Our goal is to provide outstanding services for the best possible price. To achieve these goals we are constantly innovating and upgrading our services at no additional cost to our customers. Come and join the millions of other website owners that have already chosen Bluehost and see how we can help you with your site.

Site Info:
Online since:
The date the domain of this site was first registered.
November, 2002 Ranked 50 at HostMonk
Alexa traffic rank:
A measure of the site's popularity. The rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors and pageviews over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1.
Alexa traffic rank in US:
A measure of the site's popularity in US. The rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors and pageviews from users from US over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1 in US.
Unique monthly visitors:
The Unique Visitors metric only counts a person once no matter how many times they visit a site in a given month. Unique Visitors are typically used to determine how popular a site is.
591,329 ( Ranked 3 at HostMonk
Sites linking in:
Average load time:
Median website load time and percent of known sites that are slower.
2.454 Seconds, 76% of the sites are faster Ranked 78 at HostMonk
Contact Info:
Twitter profile:
Name and description of the official Twitter profile of this company.
bluehost (2273 followers) Ranked 27 at HostMonk
Physical address of this company.
1215 N Research Way, #q3500, Orem, UT 84097, US
1215 N Research Way, #q3500, Orem, UT 84097, US
Official phone number of this company.
(801) 765-9400 / Fax (801) 765-1992
Official email:
Official email address of this company.
Terms of service:
Link to the "Terms of service" page published by this hosting provider.
User Reviews:
1 user review for Blue Host:
Great reliability and value for the money
by Steve Opilo - Jan 21, 2011
I've been a Bluehost Customer for 4 years and have been impressed with the reliability since day 1. I really like how I can host unlimited domains on a single account. My only complaint with them was on one occasion they changed my php.ini settings and didn't notify me so one of my apps stopped working, but when I let them know I was upset they agreed to provide advanced notice of any future changes they needed to make so I could prepare.
Blog posts
Recent posts from Blue Host blog:
Why I hate my iPhone 5!
Dec 07, 2012
Ever since I purchased my first Macbook Pro about 6 years ago I have been a stalwart Apple supporter. I have always loved Apple products. That is why it is somewhat hard for me to write this blog post. I have purchased every single iPhone that has come out. Every one of my spoiled children...
BetterLinux Released!
Jul 19, 2012
BetterLinux software was officially released at Hostingcon 2012. What is BetterLinux you ask? Its a new software product that does what its name implies. It makes linux better by allowing a system administrator to be in complete control of the linux system. You no longer have to let out of control cpu or disk I/O...
It’s been a blast!!! Now its time to move on…
Jun 13, 2011
As I think back over the last 8 years, while I sit in my cubby in my bedroom, a big smile comes to my face. I can’t even begin to mention all the crazy things that have gone on in the Bluehost offices. Bluehost grew from a 4 person company to a 300 person company...
New Data Center Up And Running!
Mar 08, 2011
Its been many months since I last wrote on my blog – I apologize for that. Its been a very busy few months, but perhaps I can settle into a routine and write a little more often. I am writing today to finally announce that our new data center is up and going! Its the...
CPU and I/O Segregation is finally sellable…
Nov 13, 2010
At Bluehost/Hostmonster we have been developing some really neat tools to segregate cpu, disk I/O, and memory. Here is a link to one of my blog posts in the past that describes what we have worked on in detail. Up to now we haven’t really been able to sell this product because it was simply...
Wordcamp Utah!! Come join us!
Aug 28, 2010
WordCamp Utah is coming up this weekend Saturday August 28th from 9am-5pm. For more information about the event visit: BlueHost does not normally sponsor events or setup booths at tradeshows mainly because its too much of a hassle just to try and get your name out there WordPress on the other hand is one...
Pingpong Challenge!
Jul 19, 2010
Its Hostingcon time again this year. This year its in Austin, Texas. Its nice to see all the email addresses actually have a real person associated with them Every year that I attend I run into Jack from Parallels. Jack is Parallels #2 guy. A few years back I challenged Jack to a pingpong match....
New Projects And Some Fun Stats
Jul 11, 2010
Hello again! Its been quite a while since I have written and I thought its about time I got around to updating you on some of the new things we have been working on lately. Some of you may know that in addition to shared hosting I have several other small/big projects that I like...
Microsoft – So long my friend…
May 02, 2010
As many of you know I haven’t been the biggest Microsoft supporter Its been a really bumpy road using Microsoft products over the past 20 years. The consistently buggy software, and the security nightmare that is Windows/Internet Explorer is so flawed that I don’t think its possible to “fix” at this point without a fundamental...
A BIG speed and stability improvement!
Mar 25, 2010
We have worked so much lately on many internals to our hosting platform. Sometimes I worry that our customers think we are standing still when they don’t see a lot of outward/customer facing changes. However, we have been feverishly working on improving the overall stability and speed of our platform. We have nailed down CPU...
Entrepreneur or Leader or Both?
Feb 21, 2010
Bluehost/Hostmonster/Fastdomain started very small. We never took a dime of investment capital, never had any debt, and were happy to wait the 18 months it took before we got our first paycheck. This may sound quite risky to many of you out there, but for me it wasn’t at all. I could see in my...
Increase Website Speed & Cut Bandwidth Costs for FREE!
Feb 06, 2010
Several months back I took my wife and five children on a 7 day Disney cruise (I *HIGHLY* recommend it by the way, and I’m a hard person to please ). Whenever I go on vacation the first thing I take care of is making sure that I have internet access. Thankfully, I was able...
Bad Apple or Great Kid?
Feb 01, 2010
When I was young I was extremely hyperactive. It got so bad at one point that in the 3rd grade I was allowed to just “leave” class whenever I wanted to have my own personal recess. The school did this because my poor teacher was so distraught with my behavior that she literally couldn’t handle...
Bluehost’s “Secret Numbers”
Jan 28, 2010
January 2010 has seen some good growth for our hosting platform. I am usually pretty secretive about our company “numbers”, but have decided to spill the beans tonight on my blog. Below are some interesting stats from our various hosting brands. Total Domains Hosted : 1.9+ million domains Total Paying Hosting Customers: More than 525,000...
Information sources: Alexa Jigsaw